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Her kan I se hvad eleverne bl.a. arbejder med


4.A har lavet pop up bøger.pdf

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7.a og b - 11 ords anmeldelse.pdf

Shape Created with Sketch.

6.A Booktasting.pdf

Shape Created with Sketch.

3b og 8a.pdf

Shape Created with Sketch.

Booktasting 6.b.pdf

Shape Created with Sketch.

Fem Fingre Genfortælling 8.pdf

Shape Created with Sketch.

Pop-upbog 4.b.pdf

Shape Created with Sketch.

0.B har læst om fisk.pdf

Shape Created with Sketch.


Shape Created with Sketch.

Bool Bentos 7. A.pdf

Shape Created with Sketch.

Jul på PLC.pdf

Shape Created with Sketch.

9.Y har lavet book bentos.pdf

Shape Created with Sketch.

7.a har lavet onepagers og minibøger.pdf

Shape Created with Sketch.

5.a og b har syet uggly dolls.pub_.pdf

Shape Created with Sketch.

Forsøg på PLC til hjemmesiden.pdf

Shape Created with Sketch.

Heden til hjemmesiden.pdf

Shape Created with Sketch.

JWS besøg.pdf

Shape Created with Sketch.

Diego og Dolly SoMe opslag.pdf

Shape Created with Sketch.


Shape Created with Sketch.

Du og jeg 2 årg.pdf

Shape Created with Sketch.

Foldehuse 3b.pdf

Shape Created with Sketch.

4. a minibøger.pdf

Shape Created with Sketch.

4.b trekantbøger.pdf

Shape Created with Sketch.